My Top Picks: International Faith-Based Organizations

People often ask me: WHAT ORGANIZATIONS do I connect with if I want to…

…move overseas? befriend international students? do a cross-cultural internship? welcome refugees? give to relief efforts?

Here's my top picks. I invite you to partner with these international (most of them), faith-based organizations influencing the world today. Research them. Follow them on social media. Financially support them. Find ways to volunteer with them. Work for them. Sign up for the e-mails. Contact them!

***I've only chosen ones I have personal knowledge and experience with—so I can recommend them to you. There’s maaaaany more out there.


International sending agencies

—that recruit, train and send people to live in unreached people groups to make disciples that make disciples—

  • Ethnos360 (formerly New Tribes Mission, specializing in Bible translation for tribal animists)

  • Frontiers (specializing in serving Muslims)

  • International Mission Board (specializing in serving unreached people groups)

  • Operation Mobilization (specializing in serving unreached people groups)

  • Pioneers (specializing in serving Hindus, Muslims, and Buddhists) (

  • Wycliffe Bible Translators (specializing in Bible translation for unreached people groups)

  • YWAM Frontier Missions (specializing in serving unreached people groups)

Organizations focused on discipling university students at home and abroad

Cross-cultural internships

International faith-based disaster relief, community development, social justice, poverty alleviation, and refugee resettlement agencies

  • Compassion International (specializing in relief, rehabilitation, development)

  • Food for the Hungry (specializing in relief, rehabilitation, development)

  • Global CHE Network (specializing in preventative medicine, evangelism, development)

  • International Justice Mission (IJM) (specializing in social justice using law)

  • World Relief (specializing in relief, poverty alleviation, social justice, and refugee resettlement)

  • World Vision (specializing in relief, rehabilitation, development)

Which ones do you have experience with? Which ones do you love? Do you have others you love? Post in the comments!

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