How to REALLY Fight For the Rights of Women…and Why the Abortion Issue Matters Across the Street and Around the World.

I talked with a young woman, fervently against the recent United States Supreme Court Roe verses Wade reversal of the nationwide right to an abortion.​​​​​​​​

I know she comes from a pro-life home, and loves children and babies, and so I genuinely wanted to know why she felt so upset about it.​​​​​​​​

She’s concerned for women.

I realized that she, and other young women I see on social media, picketing with petitions on the streets for ‘reproductive rights’, and even girls in my kids classroom BELIEVE they are fighting for the rights of women.

But I want to show how to REALLY fight for the rights of women...and why the abortion issue matters so much to women across the street and around the world.​​​​​​​​

I wish I could tell these eager, passionate, young women…

Let's be a voice for women by refusing to accept the idea that we own another human and can decide if they live or die. Let's fight for the rights of women living in poverty on the other side of the ocean to education, literacy, and yes, contraception, and the ability to speak up in patriarchal societies. Let's fight for the rights of women to CHOOSE to stand against their families and keep their babies so that gender abortion selection in developing countries is not an option.​​​​​​​​

Too much to say! I wanted to say it with my heart, not just my pen. So, I jumped on a Facebook Live so I could record a video for you to listen to—and share on Replay.

Click here to watch the Replay on Facebook LIVE.

Maybe my answers to some of the deep, wrestling questions I'm hearing, will help you have words too.​​​​​​​​

In this video, I answer questions such as:

❶ But what about the mothers life if she has an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage, if she can't have an abortion, won't she die?

❷ But what about a woman's right to choose? (or families in eastern cultures who would choose boy babies instead of girl babies?)

❸ But if we let all babies be born, what about the overcrowded foster care and adoption system? (or those born in the slums of big cities around the world?)

❹ What about all the women in third world countries having too many babies they can't provide for? What will really, actually help them with this?

❺ What about letting women have a voice, to speak for themselves?

❻ What about if a young girl is raped and gets pregnant?

❼ What about the women who chose an abortion when they were younger, what do they feel now? (You might need a tissue here).

Give a listen and let me know your thoughts too.

Click to watch the Replay of How to REALLY Fight for the Rights of Women...and Why the Abortion Issue Matters Across the Street and Around the World.

PS: If you’re having trouble accessing the FB LIVE Replay, try this link: or go straight to my Jeannie Marie Facebook Page: