How to Explain the Meaning of Christmas to Your Hindu and Muslim Friends
A friend asked me last week, "How do I explain the meaning of Christmas to my Hindu and Muslim friends?"
I thought, why not model my answer for you all?
I'll pretend I'm talking to my Hindu and Muslim friends and I'll explain the meaning of Christmas in a way that they could hear it well—
—and maybe a new way than you've likely thought about it.
You can now watch the Replay that I did on a Facebook LIVE video. I modeled my answer to both a Hindu friend named Gita and a Muslim friend named Aiysha with a 1-minute answer and a 10-minute answer.
You could try these explanations I modeled with both your Muslim and your Hindu friends to answer, "What is the meaning of Christmas?"
If you don't have Facebook, you can still watch this Replay!
Click to watch this Facebook LIVE Video Replay. (You don’t have to have Facebook to watch this.)
☑ Do you know how to create some curiosity and intrigue in one minute?
☑ Do you know the words Bhakti and Malicoot Allah?
☑ Do YOU know the true meaning of Christmas?
☑ Want to see my answer modeled for you, so you can listen to it a couple of times before you see your Muslim or Hindu friend next?
☑ Do you wish the way you speak could feel natural and fun and like GOOD NEWS?
If you answered yes to any of these, you''re going to want to watch this video, along with a fun community who joined me.
PS: If you feel empowered by learning these practical things—and you want MORE courage, confidence, modeling, and tools to make you a beautiful fragrance of good news to your unreached friends, pray about joining The Neighbors & Nations Course right now!