Go on a GAP TEAM to South Asia in 2021

In the middle of the night, have you ever secretly dreamed of moving overseas to people who will likely never know Christ unless someone goes?

OR do you KNOW someone with this conviction in his or her soul? You're mobilizing, coaching, encouraging him or her?

Go on a nine-month GAP TEAM to India or Bangladesh in 2021

Go on a nine-month GAP TEAM to India or Bangladesh in 2021

Maybe you've dabbled in a short-term trip, or a cross-cultural internship. Maybe you have friends who are from other countries.

But you're not QUITE ready to take that completely LONG-TERM leap.

You're emotionally, spiritually, physically healthy. You like an adventure, a challenge. You don't need things to be easy. You take initiative and don't need to be handheld.

But you also LOVE to learn. You want to do things with a like-minded, motivated TEAM. And you just need an INVITE to something purposeful.

I'd like you to CONSIDER joining a nine-month GAP TEAM in India or Bangladesh in September of 2021. WATCH THIS:

I will also be one of your guides launching GAP TEAMS next year.

Now, to be honest, for a lot of you with families, a GAP TEAM isn't in the cards. But WATCH this VIDEO OVERVIEW anyway. We need you to PRAY for those who CAN go to say YES. We need you to pray for the urban poor in Mumbai and the Bengalis in the Southern Districts of Bangladesh.

It is also HIGHLY LIKELY that you know a young person that you could tap on the shoulder and say, "I believe in you. I think God might be asking you to consider and pray about going on a GAP TEAM. I will be your biggest cheerleader. You can DO this, because Jesus will be with you!"

If a young person's name—or a friend you want to GO with— comes to mind while you're listening, share this!

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