Norwegian Translation Just Released! To Neighbors and Nations: Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth
Prise Gud! Boken min er nettopp utgitt på Norsk! Praise God! My book just released in Norwegian, titled Til Naboer og Nasjoner: Å Følge Jesus til Verdens Ende.
Pray that through this Norwegian translation, God will RAISE UP willing men and women who will SAY YES and take the good news of the Kingdom of God to their neighbors in Norway and to the nations at the ends of the earth.
We also need your prayers during the book launch (scroll down for the schedule) THIS WEEK during a 9-day intense book tour in Norway. I’m speaking during multiple events almost every day in four cities, spanning the length of Norway from Bergen to Trondheim.
While I WISH I could have traveled to Norway in person as planned, due to Covid, I’m virtual, logging in during the wee hours of my morning to Zoom into these events.
Please pray for the technology to work well, for health for my traveling in-person facilitators in Norway, and for the PEOPLE at each of our gatherings.
Norway, and the surrounding countries, experienced an influx of asylum seekers in the past few years, many of them from unreached people groups.
PRAY that Til Naboer og Nasjoner will inspire ordinary people to take a first step to make and disciple international friends in Norway—or take a thousandth step and move to the nations at the ends of the earth.
God, may it be so!
Lord, please raise up Norwegians to share good news with the three billion people with LEAST ACCESS to the good news of the Kingdom of God. Give them courage and confidence, as they read and then DO each chapter of Til Naboer og Nasjoner.
If you speak Norwegian, or you know someone in Norway, you can order a copy of Til Naboer og Nasjoner: Å Følge Jesus til Verdens Ende by writing
So, you might wonder, what happened to the original title Across the Street and Around the World? Well, the term “across the street” doesn’t quite translate with the same meaning as in America to share Jesus with your neighbor.
I really like the new title To Neighbors and Nations. In fact, as of now, I’ve titled my new digital course coming out in January 2021 with the same name. (This in-depth step-by-step online course will take a deeper dive into getting trained right ‘here’ for what you might do ‘there’).
It’s a humbling, elevated-seratonin-inducing experience to see the words that God gave me translated into a foreign language.
The same week the books rolled out of the printers with the new smell of freshly printed black ink in Norwegian, my publisher sent the news that a Brazilian publisher officially signed to print the already-translated-into-Portuguese version! I also discovered that a publisher in Finland in considering a translation as well.
Here’s the facts: the gospel is now going out TO everywhere FROM everywhere.
Receiving countries are now sending countries.
NOW is a special time in history when there are more disciple-making movements recorded in the last few decades, than in the 2,000 years combined.
To borrow from one of my favorite writers C.S. Lewis and his Narnia series, “Aslan is on the move”.
It’s an honor and privilege to be a small part of God’s BIG purpose to reconcile peoples from every nation to Himself so they can worship him forever.
Here’s the Book Tour and Speaking Schedule so you can PRAY:
Saturday, Oct 10 FRONTIERS FOCUS DAY in Varhaug
Sunday, Oct 11 IMI Church Book Promo in Stavenger
Monday, Oct 12 afternoon Gå Ut-Senter (GUS) Missions School teaching in Trondeim
Monday, Oct 12 evening FOCUS ON UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUPS event in Trondeim
Wednesday, Oct 14 MISSON FOCUS event by Norkirken Molde in Molde
Thursday, Oct 15 TIL NABOER OG NASJONER event at Sogndal Indremisjon (SIM) in Sogndal
Friday-Saturday, Oct 16-17 M28 UNREACHED CONFERENCE in Bergen
Sunday Oct 18 MISSIONS FOCUS at Tent in Bergen
An advertisement for one of the events.