Free Bonus Chapter 13: Praying for Inner Healing
Bonus Chapter 13: Praying for Inner Healing
In the last pages of Across the Street and Around the World: Following Jesus to the Nations in Your Neighborhood…and Beyond, we saw that unhealed wounds, a lack of forgiveness, or lies of the enemy we keep locked inside our souls will end up on display under the stress of living in another culture.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. When we learn the tools to get— and stay—emotionally healthy before we go, we can interpret challenging cross-cultural interactions from a place of wholeness, handle culture stress better, and serve people different from us out of an overflow of our own joy and wellness.
In a free Bonus Chapter 13, let’s walk through a practical case study, Sariah’s story, that will guide us through the steps she prayed to get emotionally whole and healthy. As we live through her story of the lies she believed, the truth she received, the unforgiveness she harbored and released, the wounds that crippled her, and the surrender it required to heal those wounds, we’ll also ask our own questions and pray our own prayers for our own situations right alongside them.